5 Yoga exercises to improve blood circulation

5 Yoga exercises to improve blood circulation

5 Yoga exercises to improve blood circulation, stimulate the liver and detox it

5 Yoga exercises to improve blood circulation : Regularly practice these 5 Yoga asanas to improve blood circulation, maintain a healthy liver and promote its cleansing function

When it comes to maintaining optimal digestion and overall health, the liver plays a crucial role and according to experts, Yoga provides an effective method to detoxify and stimulate the liver through specific postures. Exercises or asanas such as Big Toe Pose, Bridge Pose, Boat Pose and more, massage this vital organ, promoting health and vitality in your system.

5 Yoga exercises to improve blood circulation

The liver, an essential organ responsible for eliminating wastes, toxins and carcinogens from the body, plays a vital role in keeping the complex human anatomy in top-notch condition. It processes and removes harmful substances like lactic acid, lymphatic fluid, toxins and carbon dioxide from deep tissues and extremities.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, suggested that by regularly practicing the following five poses, you can maintain a healthy liver and promote its cleansing function –

  1. Padangushtasana (Big Toe Pose)

Method: Begin by standing in Samasthithi, with your feet together. Exhale and gently bend your upper body, dropping your head while keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed. Initiate the forward fold from your hip joints, rather than your waist. Hold your big toes and inhale as you look up and straighten your arms. Exhale and fold forward, aiming to keep your legs and knees straight throughout the practice. Beginners may need to slightly bend their knees. With practice, gradually straighten your knees. Repeat this asana.

2. Kandharasana (Shoulder Pose)

Method: Start by lying down on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Walk your feet towards your pelvis. Stretch your arms over the floor beside your body. Grip your ankles with your palms. Slowly lift your pelvis and back off the floor, forming a gentle arch in your back as you aim to touch your chest with your chin. Focus your gaze upward.

3. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Method: Lie down on your back. Lift your upper and lower body, balancing on your sitting bones. Align your toes with your eyes. Keep your knees and back straight. Extend your arms parallel to the ground, pointing forward. Engage your abdominal muscles. Maintain a straight back. Breathe normally.

4. Malasana (Garland Pose)

Method: Start by standing straight with your arms by your sides. Bend your knees, lower your pelvis, and place it over your heels. Ensure your feet remain flat on the floor. You can either place your palms on the floor beside your feet or join them in a prayer position in front of your chest. Keep your spine erect.

5. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Method: Lie down flat on your stomach, with your palms placed under your shoulders. Keep your feet together, toes on the ground. Inhale completely and hold your breath. Lift your head, shoulders, and torso up at a 30-degree angle, ensuring your navel remains on the floor. Broaden your shoulders and slightly raise your head. Apply pressure on your toes to activate the Sun (Right) and Moon (Left) channels connected to your lower back. Hold the posture for 10 seconds. Slowly lower your torso and exhale.

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Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar recommended, “In addition to these yoga poses, you can enhance your liver health by making dietary modifications. Increase your fiber intake, replace caffeine with green tea, ensure you consume sufficient amounts of vitamin C, and incorporate turmeric, nuts, and leafy green vegetables into your diet. By regularly practicing these yoga poses and adopting a liver-friendly diet, you can support the detoxification process, maintain a healthy liver and promote overall well-being.”

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