BPSC 69th Prelims Exam 2023 today: Check important exam day guidelines here
BPSC 69th Prelims Exam 2023 today. Candidates can check the important exam day guidelines here.
Bihar Public Service Commission will conduct BPSC 69th prelims exam 2023 on September 30, 2023. The examination will be conducted in single shift – from 12 pm to 2 pm at all districts across the state.

The admit card was released on September 15 and the exam centre code details was released on September 26, 2023. The last date to check about exam centre code was till September 29, 2023.
BPSC 69th Prelims Exam 2023: Important exam day guidelines
All those candidates who will be appearing for BPSC 69th prelims exam today can check the important exam day guidelines issued by BPSC below.
- Candidates who will be appearing for the preliminary examination will have to reach the exam centre by 11 am. All those candidates reaching the exam venue after the specified time will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
- All the appearing candidates will have to carry original photo identity card filled in their online application to the exam hall along with their admit card. Also, it is directed that candidates should carry an extra copy of the e-admit card with them to the exam centre which will be handed over to the invigilator after signing it during the examination period.
- There will be four options for each question in the said examination and there will be negative marking of 1/3 (one third) marks for each wrong answer.
- Items which are barred from carrying to the exam hall includes marker, while fluid, blade or eraser. If any candidate is seen using such things on the OMR sheet, one third (1/3) marks will be deducted as penalty.
- Carrying and using electronic materials like mobile phone, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi gadget, electronic pen, pager, smart watch etc. in the examination center premises, where the examination is to be held, is prohibited. If any candidate is found with any kind of electronic material inside the examination room, it will be considered as misconduct.
- In case the candidate is found involved in malpractice / found with electronic material in the examination hall, he will be banned from Bihar Public Service Commission for the next five years including this examination and in case of spreading misleading / sensational rumors related to the examination, for three years, will be deprived of.
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