Key BJP Meet In Hyderabad Today In the midst of Discusses Bureau Reshuffle

Key BJP Meet In Hyderabad Today In the midst of Discusses Bureau Reshuffle

Key BJP Meet In Hyderabad Today In the midst of Discusses Bureau Reshuffle: The party intends to distinguish holes in front of impending decisions and set up an activity plan, especially after the BJP’s new loss in Karnataka.

Key BJP Meet In Hyderabad Today In the midst of Discusses Bureau Reshuffle

Hyderabad: A day after State head Narendra Modi’s visit to Telangana, the Bharatiya Janata Party will today hold a technique meet in Hyderabad as the party prepares for significant state surveys and the 2024 public political race only nine months away.
BJP President JP Nadda will seat the gathering which will be gone to by 11 party state bosses.

The party intends to distinguish holes in front of impending decisions and set up an activity plan, especially after the BJP’s new loss in Karnataka.

With Telangana get together races only a half year away, the BJP is as of now handling an uncommon torment of struggle under the surface in the state administration. Association Priest G Kishan Reddy was as of late designated the Telangana BJP president.

This adjustment of administration saw Mr Reddy supplant Bandi Sanjay, mirroring the party’s more extensive vital recalibration in the state.

Mr Reddy has been entrusted with winning the impending state surveys as Telangana could turn out to be an entryway toward the south for BJP.

PM Modi is likewise expected to rejig his bureau, one more maneuver pointed toward fortifying the party in front of the 2024 Lok Sabha surveys.


However a bureau mix has been underway for a really long time, hypothesis has escalated in the beyond couple of days following gatherings between BJP president JP Nadda and different priests and party pioneers. The progressions might be reported any day now, in some measure before the rainstorm meeting of parliament beginning July 20, sources say.

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