Virat Kohli takes social media by storm by announcing his new yo-yo score ahead of Asia Cup
Virat Kohli takes social media by storm by announcing : Widely regarded as one of the fittest cricketers going around, Kohli on Thursday, took the Yo-Yo fitness and passed it with flying colours.
At 34, Virat Kohli is showing no signs of slowing down. If anything, he is ready to push the boundaries and challenge himself every day. Widely regarded as one of the fittest cricketers going around, Kohli on Thursday, took the Yo-Yo fitness and passed it with flying colours. A bare-bodied Kohli flashed on Instagram to announce his latest yo-yo score of 17.2. “The happiness of finishing the yo-yo test between the dreaded cones,” said Kohli.

A yo-yo score of 17.2 is not pathbreaking by any means. In fact, Kohli himself had achieved a score of 19 when yo-yo test was a mandatory feature to play for the Indian men’s cricket team during Kohli’s captaincy. But considering the fact that the passing standard in Indian cricket is 16, Kohli is still way above par.

Currently, passing the yo-to test is not mandatory to play for India but Kohli, who always pushes himself for that little extra, has gone through it irrespective.
What is a yo-yo test?
In a yo-yo test, two sets of cones are placed 20 metres apart. Once the beep is sounded, an athlete has to reach the marker on the other side by the time the next beep shrieks. He then has to turn around and rush back to mark from where he started the run. The frequency of the beeps keeps on increasing with every round – and a player is considered to be successful in the test after they finish the run to the cone and back. There is a gap of about seven seconds between each trip.
The test starts with a player kicking off his jog at a speed of level 5, which consists of one shuttle. Subsequently, the next speed level, which is 9, also consists of one shuttle. The next speed level is 11 and this has two shuttles while level 12 has three and level 13 four. There are eight shuttles per level from 14 upwards.
Different teams have different standards for the yo-yo test. Currently, India have set 16:1 as the qualifying speed level, which means it is mandatory for their players to finish the first shuttle of speed level 16, which when translated to an accumulated distance of 1120 metres.
Meanwhile, as per news agency PTI, the World Cup probables will go through a fitness and medical test at Alur in Bengaluru before the tournament. Among the parameters that will be checked include lipid profile, blood sugar (fasting and PP), uric acid, calcium, Vitamin B12 and D, creatinine, and testosterone.